Time to huff some gasoline and free myself from midwittery! Cheers.

I am getting close, I bought a house yesterday in this “relaxed” time.

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Congrats on the home purchase! I suspect that in hindsight it will look like the right move after a few years pass. I'm also considering running headfirst into my door a few times to drop out of the midwit range. Would be a shame to be mistaken for one. LOL

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Flirtcheap

I took the IQ test out of curiosity and scored a 115.8, that .8 being enough for me to not qualify as middle but close enough to keep me humble for sure! I really enjoyed reading this post. The last part reminded me of an essay by Rothbard where he writes about how important the the Cathedral (he uses “State” but I believe Cathedral to be a better term) is to these mediocre status signaling creeps. It gives them exactly what they believe is most important in life. I think that has a lot to do with what makes them creeps, they elevate a particular “status” above all else, and it’s so shallow and worthless because they never actually come up with anything original, therefore requiring no courage whatsoever to back up their stances.

Deep down, even before I was familiar with the Austrian School of Economics, I respected the humility that it’s proponents shared, and the courage they had to hold unpopular and out of style beliefs. It’s a rare trait these days, to remain an individual in a sea of NPCs, but when have the masses ever been on the right side of history? I like the Mark Twain quote “whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.”

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A brave man sharing his results. And yes the big problem with the craving for artificial status through quasi-social entities is that it is the easiest lever to exploit, and once you give a little bit of it most people who get it will never willingly give it up even if they know its not ideal.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Flirtcheap

I deff understand the midwittery angle, and found this TED Talk from a decade ago to be really helpful in my own growth as a person...I still hate being (proven) incorrect about things, but am a bit more humble these days. “Kathryn Schulz, On Being Wrong” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n__I-PRl7w

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Mar 15Liked by Flirtcheap

This piece is great. I'm sure I'm a midwit IQ (those impulses are very familiar to me), but thankfully I possess sufficient curiosity and humility not to be dangerous. I learned a lot about myself reading this. I want to send it to some people, but... I think they do not possess the curiosity and humility to appreciate and gain from it. Oh well.

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Nothing wrong with being a midwit. I keep testing hoping I can break 130, but I cant. Forever a midwit.

Send it to your friends. Worst thing that'll happen is they'll hate you and I'll get a few more page views 😉😅

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Feb 28Liked by Flirtcheap

129.3 on the IQ test :/ I’m literally NGMI. Worst part is I have no idea which question I got wrong and it’s infuriating lol. This is why I sat on cash in Oct/Nov instead of funneling $ into eth because “the capital will be more useful for starting a business”. The 130+ IQ master race narrowly eluded me - it’s literally so over for my bloodline.

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That feel when trapped in midwit samsara by a fraction of an IQ point. Probably has you wondering if you had maybe fallen off your bike one less time in 3rd grade who you might have become instead.

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Feb 28Liked by Flirtcheap

I should’ve never played rugby... damn concussions. Just took another test as a supreme cope and scored 134 on iqtestacademy . org. This must be how girls feel after they put on a push-up bra and some makeup. But knowing that I’m truly in intellectual purgatory will slowly tear away at my soul lmfao. At least I know enough to put myself in digital proximity of 140+ IQs and profit off their predictions lol (BTB + others) - may be my saving grace.

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If I had humbled myself sooner I might have gotten better entries on ETH and BTC than I did.

Just happy to be here now. Not early, but earlier than most.

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Perhaps an unstable/atypical upbringing/life can offset the midwits proclivity to trust "authority" or common desire for acceptance. Hypothetical tradeoff

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quite the analysis here..

....new words , new phrases, new concepts.

So what level of IQ endorsement legitimizes a concept..?? OR not necessary..??

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022Author

Not necessary.

We have to examine ideas ourselves before we internalize them. And if we don't have the mental horsepower to properly examine an idea, we have to have the humility to say "I don't know," when faced with the concept again.

Any idea we internalize, we take responsibility for the next time we espouse it.

Each person should only internalize the ideas they are capable of adequately examining. If you ask me "Were Dinosaurs real?" I will tell you "I don't know." Everybody else agrees they're real for the most part, but I don't want to take responsibility for that idea because I've never taken the time to explore it.

The midwit does not explore ideas. The midwit does not express curiosity. And the midwit lacks the humility to recognize what they don't know. The midwit's blindness to their own deficiencies is their biggest flaw.

The midwit simply accepts authority and all of the ideas that authority projects.

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okay flirtcheap....most of us are midwits then with the dinosaur analogy..

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